Top Computer Languages

1 .Java Script : 

Java script a dynamic computer programming language. it is lightweight and most commonly use as a part of web pages , whose implementations allow client - side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages .

2. Python :

Python is an interpreted high-level general purpose programming language . python is used for web development ,  machine learning , operating systems , mobile application development and video games.

3 .Kotlin :

Kotlin is a multiplatform , sttaically typed general purpose programming language with type inference. kotlin is designed to run on java virtual machine and can run side by side java.

4 . Php :

Php is a general purpose scripting language geared towards web development . it is used to manage dynamic content , databases , session tracking , even build entire e-commerce side.

5 .Swift

Swift is a general - purpose , multi- paradigm , compiled programming language developed by apple inc. and the open - source community. swift is compiled programming language for ios , macos , watchos , tyvos , and linux applications. 
